Executive Board
The Executive Board of the DAM consists of four members. The full-time Chairman of the Board is Joachim Harms, for many years head of the division “Marine and Maritime Research, Geosciences and Shipping” at the project management organization Jülich. The Deputy Chairman is Michael Schulz, Director of MARUM – Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen. Ulrich Bathmann, Senior Professor for Earth System Science at the University of Rostock, and Katja Matthes, Director of GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, are also members of the Executive Board.

Dr. Joachim Harms
Chairman of the DAM Executive Board
curriculum vitae pdf

Prof. Dr. Michael Schulz
Deputy Chairman of the DAM Executive Board
curriculum vitae pdf

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bathmann
Member of the DAM Executive Board
curriculum vitae pdf

If you have any questions or suggestions for the DAM Board, please contact the DAM office, e-mail: kontakt@allianz-meeresforschung.de.
former members of the Executive Board

Prof. Dr. Peter Herzig
curriculum vitae pdf

Prof. Dr. Michael Bruno Klein
curriculum vitae pdf

Prof. Dr. Karin Lochte
curriculum vitae pdf
Header-Picture: Wendy Wei/ Unsplash
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