Status of the DAM Research Missions
two ongoing DAM research mIssions
The funding announcement of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) for the research mission „Protection and Sustainable use of Marine Areas“ has been published in April 2020 and is available here (In German). The research mission started on 1 December 2021.
The funding announcement of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) for the research mission “Marine Carbon Sinks in Decarbonization Pathways“ has been published in May 2020 and is available here (In German). The research mission started on 1 August 2021.
Further information on aims and content of the two current research missions can be found here. The texts of the mission proposals, which have been served as basis for the funding announcement of these missions, are provided in the following:
Mission proposal “Research Mission Protection and Sustainable Use of Marine Areas”:
Mission proposal “Research Mission Marine Carbon Sinks in Decarbonization Pathways”:
PLanned third DAM research mIssion
In addition to these two ongoing research missions, further research missions are planned; the identification of potential topics has been initiated in March 2021. Ideas for overarching mission topics could be submitted until June 4 and the interest was very high – about 20 topics were proposed by numerous scientists from member- and other institutions. The proposed topics were discussed by the management of the member institutions at a so-called “discussion day” on June 11 with respect to the goals of research missions. Five overarching topics have been identified, which were then further developed by the proposers in several steps and, with the involvement and consideration of feedback from the DAM Stakeholder Forum and the DAM General Assembly, and presented to the DAM International Advisory Board in December 2021 for evaluation and prioritization. The DAM Administrative Council has received the Advisory Board’s recommendations in March and the thematic focus of the planned third research mission has been determined: “Marine Extreme Events & Natural Hazards”.
The funding announcement of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) for the research mission „Wege zu einem verbesserten Risikomanagement im Bereich mariner Extremereignisse und Naturgefahren“ has been published on July 1st, 2022 and is available here (In German). For information regarding the application procedure, please contact the project agency Projekträger Jülich (PtJ) directly (for contact persons see funding announcement).
For further general information or questions on the research missions, please contact Annekatrin Lehmann
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