Using Knowledge Effectively for Politics, Business and Society
The transfer of scientific findings to politics, business and society with a view to strengthen the sustainable use of coasts, seas and oceans is a core element of the German Marine Research Alliance (DAM).
The DAM pools the expertise of the German marine research community, ensures a goal- and needs-oriented exchange of knowledge and fosters the dialogue with politics and society. The DAM also develops and coordinates solution-oriented research missions in which science-based decision-making options are developed. The DAM’s research missions are intended to facilitate research and development in close cooperation with the business world.
fields of action
Scientific findings have an impact on society when they lead to innovation, new developments, decision-making or a growth in knowledge outside the research community. Knowledge transfer in the DAM follows a strategic concept with four fields of action.
The interactive World Ocean is a touchscreen-based ocean map for schools and exhibitions. The World Ocean invites visitors to discover the diversity of the oceans, immerse themselves in different marine regions and understand the interrelationships between them. The interactive World Ocean is an official project of the UN Ocean Decade.
The digital information portal “Ocean Online” offers science-based information for anyone interested in coasts, seas and oceans – knowledge for sustainable action to better protect the oceans and use them more sustainably. The information portal is an official project of the UN Ocean Decade.
Fact Sheets
DAM publishes fact sheets on the scientific status of current marine issues. The fact sheet “Munition in the Seas” provides an overview of munition dumps in the North Sea and Baltic Sea: . The Gesellschaft für Maritime Technik (GMT) has published an overview of the “Value creation perspectives for the German marine technology industry” on the same topic.
Healthy oceans that are protected and used sustainably – this is the goal that the DAM is working towards together with stakeholders from politics and society. There is close cooperation with the Federal Government/Federal States Working Group on the North Sea and Baltic Sea (BLANO), which is responsible for implementing the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
Ocean future Lab
For the Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s “Science Year 2022 – Inquiry!”, DAM has joined forces with the German Oceanographic Museum, the German Maritime Museum, the Institute for Art and Innovation and Futurium Berlin to develop the Ocean Future Lab. Together with Futurium, the DAM publishes the Future Box Oceans for schoolchildren, which has been recognized as an official activity of the UN Ocean Decade.
UN Ocean Decade
The United Nations has proclaimed the years 2021 to 2030 as the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Policy makers, society and scientists are to work together to successfully implement sustainable development goals for “life below water”. Three DAM transfer projects are recognized as official contributions to the UN Ocean Decade.
promotion of Young Talents
German marine research offers a wide range of formats to promote young scientists at the locations of the DAM member institutions. An overview summarizes the current offers for pupils, students, doctoral candidates and postdocs.
“Bundeswettbewerb KI”
The DAM is participating in the “Bundeswettbewerb für Künstliche Intelligenz (BWKI)” for school students with a special prize in the “Environment and Sustainability” category. The aim is to promote AI projects that deal with ecological and social issues for sustainable development.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the transfer of the German Marine Research Alliance, please contact Ute Wilhelmsen
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