Fields of Action
Transfer of knowledge in the DAM
Exchange of knowledge
Exchanging knowledge with experts working in politics, business and civil society is crucial when it comes to developing viable concepts for the protection and sustainable use of coastal and marine ecosystems and integrating them effectively into the political and social context. Under the umbrella of the DAM, the expertise of the German marine research community is being brought together to produce science-based analyses of issues relating to the sustainable use of the oceans. The DAM can ensure that knowledge is exchanged in a way that is appropriate to the objectives and needs, and can become a central partner for advising policy and society, as well as the exchange of information between the various protagonists in research and society. Stakeholders play an important role in the DAM’s research missions, ensuring that practical aspects are incorporated into the research projects and science-based courses of action can be developed. In addition, cross-cutting transfer formats are being developed to bring together the expertise of the member institutions on socially relevant marine issues in a needs-oriented manner.
Dialogue with society
The sustainable management of our natural resources – including our coastlines, seas and oceans, as the largest habitat on earth – is a challenge for society and a key question for the future of humankind. Finding paths that lead to greater sustainability is an issue not only for science and politics, but for society as a whole. Sustainability also relies on the understanding of citizens and their willingness to participate in transformation processes and to live them. A prerequisite for this is that everyone must understand what they are talking about. In addition to a concrete exchange of knowledge with stakeholders from politics, business and civil society, there must therefore also be a broad and effective dialogue with society at large, one that motivates and offers opportunities for participation and further education. Appropriate formats are being developed in the core area of Transfer, for example in cooperation with museums, to give access to and an overview of socially relevant marine topics, to provide food for thought on sustainable behaviour and to create opportunities for dialogue and participation.
Promotion of young scientists and engineers
The DAM is developing a strategic concept for promoting young scientists and engineers and supporting and implementing it with the help of the participating research institutions. As an added value, the DAM can provide a more comprehensive overview and interlinking of the offers available to students, PhD students and postdocs, and promote the exchange between young researchers and stakeholders from politics, business and civil society. Based on the research and needs analysis conducted at its member institutions, the DAM develops measures that serve this added value by combining digital solutions with offers for a personal exchange.
Capacity Development
Capacity development is a broad term that covers various training, exchange and support measures for different target groups in a national and international context. The three fields of action already discussed in the context of knowledge exchange are also part of capacity development. In the context of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, knowledge partnerships with emerging and developing countries are particularly important as a means of promoting the sustainable management of coasts, seas and oceans globally. As the umbrella organisation of the German marine research community, the DAM can enhance the connectivity of existing capacity development measures in order to increase their strategic effectiveness, and supplement them with targeted new measures.
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