In the context of the DAM
We strengthen the sustainable use of coasts, seas and oceans through research and transfer, data management and digitalisation, and by coordinating the infrastructures.
The activities of the German Marine Research Alliance are aimed at consolidating the sustainable management of coasts, seas and oceans. But what do the expressions “sustainable” and “sustainability” mean in this context? Which concepts, strategies and objectives are relevant when it comes to protecting coasts, seas and oceans and using them sustainably? The following information has been compiled to explain the framework within which the DAM carries out its activities.
Oceans play a key role in global climate processes. They are among the most important ecosystems on Earth and they have a direct impact on the lives of millions of people. They are subject to considerable anthropogenic pressures and at the same time closely interwoven with human culture. The three major environmental crises of our time are also changing marine habitats: climate change, loss of biodiversity and pollution. Oceans are suppliers of food and raw materials, places of longing and a source of inspiration, even for people who live far from the coasts.
The sustainable management of our natural resources – including our coasts, seas and oceans – is a challenge for society and a key issue for the future of humankind. The question what sustainable development ought to look like and how it can be achieved must be addressed by science, politics, the economy and society as a whole.

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