Future box oceans
A playful look into the future of our oceans
What will our oceans look like in the future? Together with the Futurium, the German Marine Research Alliance has developed the Future Box Oceans, which can be used to playfully develop various future scenarios on this question in a workshop format.
How do we want to live with the oceans? How can we deal with the seas, coasts and oceans in such a sustainable way that we safeguard our natural resources? How can we shape a desirable future on our ‘blue planet’? The materials in the Future Box Oceans can be used to discuss ideas for a sustainable future for our oceans and develop creative ideas and visions together. The materials are based on methods from futurology, education for sustainable development and design thinking. They are suitable for pupils of all school types from year 7 upwards and can also be used for workshops with adults.

The Future Box Oceans contains a total of five different sets of cards as well as methodical instructions for creating future scenarios. The Future Box was designed for working in teams of five. One set contains materials for six small groups. Possible future trends are discussed and evaluated in the teams. For example, the question of whether we should build more floating cities in the future to counter rising sea levels. Which aspects of this scenario are desirable and which are not?
The print version of the Future Box is available on request from the German Marine Research Alliance: kontakt@allianz-meeresforschung.de. Shipping is only possible to educational institutions in Germany.
The card sets and instructions for the Future Box as PDF files for printing (content in German):

The Future Box Oceans is recognised as an official activity of the UN Ocean Decade. It is aimed at a sustainable future in dealing with the ocean. Transformative solutions for the protection and sustainable use of the ocean are to be developed across disciplines and countries.
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