UN Decade of Marine Research for sustainable Development
How the German Marine Research Alliance is contributing
The United Nations has proclaimed an International Decade of Marine Research for Sustainable Development from 2021 to 2030. Politics, society and science are to work together to successfully implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with the focus on Sustainable Development Goal 14 “Life below Water”. The goal of the UN Decade is to reverse the trend: Instead of deteriorating further, the health of coasts, seas and oceans is to recover once again.

The DAM is a network partner of the German Ocean Decade Committee (ODK), which aims to raise awareness of the UN Decade of Marine Research for Sustainable Development in Germany and support its implementation.
DAM’s contributions to the UN Ocean Decade
The DAM has been a network partner of the German ODK Committee since 2021 and actively contributes to the implementation of the goals of the Ocean Decade:
DAM research missions are registered projects of the Ocean Decade:
- CDRmare is officially registered as a project of the Decade Program “Global Ecosystems for Ocean Solutions” (GEOS)
- SustainMare is officially registered as a project of the Decade Program “Sustainability of Marine Ecosystems through global knowledge networks” (SMARTNET)
Support of the Ocean Decade Committee (ODK):
The German Marine Research Alliance (DAM) supports the Ocean Decade Committee (ODK) as a registered network partner with various activities and contributions. This partnership includes the technical collaboration of the DAM on the ODK Board as well as in the ODK working groups “Education and Society” and “Communication”.
DAM transfer projects are prepared as decade projects:
The DAM is preparing transfer projects for the Ocean Decade as part of the “Ocean Literacy with All” (OLWA) decade program, including the registration process for the “Interactive world ocean” and the digital information portal “Ocean online”. In addition, the educational project “Zukunftsbox Meere” will be relaunched by the DAM and the Futurium as a registered activity of the UN Decade.
UN Ocean Decade: Germany’s contribution to clean oceans
Fascinating habitat with enormous biodiversity, heat and CO2 reservoir in the face of advancing climate change and at the same time under massive threat: the ocean plays many roles. The German government therefore wants to strengthen the central role of marine nature. This is being done as part of the current UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development until 2030.
Link to the Federal Government website
Overview of marine, coastal and polar regions
Our oceans form the largest interconnected ecosystem on Earth and are home to more than two million species. However, climate change, pollution and overfishing are increasingly threatening the delicate ecological balance. The protection and sustainable use of the oceans are the subject of numerous activities in education, research and innovation worldwide. The Kooperation international portal picks up on this and provides a separate topic page “Marine, coastal and polar regions” with a comprehensive range of information.
Link to the marine, coastal and polar regions topic page (german)

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