Ocean Future Lab: How do we want to live and interact with the oceans?
The oceans provide oxygen for breathing and food for more than a third of humanity. They are a place of longing as well as a fascinating habitat rich in species, they regulate the climate and slow down man-made global warming.
The future of humanity is directly linked to the fate of the oceans. Sustainable management of the coasts, seas and oceans is a major challenge that concerns us all. Only in collaboration can science and society develop convincing answers to important questions about the future.
The Ocean Future Lab project therefore aims to bring people together to share their questions and ideas for a sustainable future for our oceans and to develop creative impulses together. Central questions are: How can we manage the coasts, seas and oceans in such a sustainable way that we safeguard our natural livelihoods and shape a desirable future on our “blue planet?
*Event is held in German
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