DAM transfer projects registered as official UN Ocean Decade projects
The German Marine Research Alliance (DAM) is an official network partner of the German Ocean Decade Committee (ODK). The two transfer projects Ocean Online and the Interactive World Ocean are now also officially recognized as projects of the Ocean Decade.
The years 2021 to 2030 have been declared the International Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development by the United Nations. The aim is to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals through politics, society and science, especially Sustainable Development Goal 14 “Life Below Water”. The DAM is a network partner of the German Ocean Decade Committee, which is committed to achieving the internationally set goals in Germany.
In line with the Ocean Decade, the DAM transfer projects aim to make marine knowledge accessible and usable as a basis for a sustainable approach to coasts, seas and oceans.
- The interactive world ocean is an ocean map that is controlled via a touchscreen. It is designed to invite schools and exhibitions to explore the diversity of the ocean on virtual dives.
- The second decade project is the digital information portal Meere Online. The portal pools the expertise of German marine research. Information on coasts, seas and oceans from marine research is collected and presented in a demand-oriented way.
Meere Online and the interactive World Ocean will be available online from November 2024.
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