Michael Schulz unanimously re-elected as Deputy Chairman of the Board of DAM
MARUM director continues his work as deputy director of the DAM
Michael Schulz, Director of the MARUM Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen, continues as Deputy Chairman of the Board of the German Marine Research Alliance (DAM). After his term of office expires in 2023 after four years in accordance with the statutes, the General Assembly had unanimously re-elected the geoscientist on 24 April with 15 out of 17 present. Today, 5 May, the DAM Board of Directors confirmed the election.
“We are very pleased that Michael Schulz has agreed to continue to contribute his expertise, competence as well as his broad network within international marine research and beyond to DAM,” said DAM Chair Joachim Harms on behalf of the entire Board. “The very high participation of our member institutions in the voting as well as the unanimous election are very positive signals and gratifying feedback for our work from the ranks of DAM.” Michael Schulz has been part of DAM’s Executive Board since its foundation on 4 July 2019.
Header-Image: Prof. Dr. Michael Schulz. Photo: DAM/Sinje Hasheider
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