New members of the DAM International Advisory Board
The DAM International Advisory Board is starting the new year with fresh energy: as the first regular term of office expired for some of its members at the end of 2023, some of them have been replaced or reappointed.
We welcome Petra Mahnke, Kate Moran, Katherine Richardson, Stefan Schouten and Peter Schlosser (Chair) for their second term of office. We welcome Thorsten Blenckner as a new member of the International Advisory Board. The Associate Professor at the Stockholm Resilience Center at Stockholm University focuses on topics such as climate impacts and marine health. We are delighted to have them on board as Advisory Board members and look forward to (further) inspiring and successful collaboration – together with existing Advisory Board members Allison Schaap, Nadia Pinardi, Dieter Janecek and Sebstian Unger, Federal Government Commissioner for the Marine Environment. As an independent scientific advisory body, the International Advisory Board reviews and evaluates proposals for projects and activities as well as the implementation of DAM’s research missions.
Thorsten Blenckner succeeds Martin Quaas on the board, who is unable to take up a second term of office due to other commitments. We would like to thank him most warmly for his many years of constructive cooperation and the expertise he has contributed to the work of the DAM.
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