News All press releases and news from the DAM Topics All Topics Biodiversity Climate Change Management Pollution Research Structure Usage DAM news only Riddle of Varying Warm Water Inflow in the Arctic Now Solved New study helps improve forecasts on fate of Arctic sea ice How storm surges affect the coastal marshes of the Baltic Sea For her bachelor's thesis, Denise Otto studied the biogeochemical effects of floods on the soils of a coastal marsh. Today, the young scientist will receive the Otto Krümmel Award 2023 in Kiel. The 1,500 Euro prize is awarded annually by the “Society to Support GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel” for outstanding bachelor theses in the field of marine research. The Agony of Choice: In Which Nature Reserves Should We Invest in the Future? New online tool offers transparent choices for decision-makers to reach the 30x30 target DataXplorers Hackathon – Come aboard! Registration for NFDI's DataXplorers Hackathon is open until October 1st. DSM International Lecture Series on Ocean Humanities More is known about the dark side of the moon than is known about the depths of the oceans. 90 per cent of global trade is moved by ships. Submarine cables form the backbones of the information society. Ocean warming and acidification profoundly affect the global climate. Rising sea levels threaten coastal megalopolises. Blue Economies frame the seabed as natural resource. And yet, these and further ties between our everyday lifeworld and the oceans still remain largely unarticulated and detached from public consciousness. Between outer space and Antarctica: miniature robots to carry out research below the ice The project line TRIPLE, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, is entering its second funding phase. In the research project TRIPLE-nanoAUV 2, which is headquartered at MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen, a miniature autonomous vehicle is being developed for sub-ice technology missions. The goal is to test the vehicle with all its accompanying components in Antarctica in 2026. Forum for young marine researchers: ICYMARE in Oldenburg The International Conference for Young Scientists starts on September 18 / DAM among sponsors Stability inspection for West Antarctica: marine ice sheet not destabilized yet, but possibly on tipping path Antarctica’s vast ice masses seem far away, yet they store enough water to raise global sea levels by several meters. A team of experts from European research institutes has now provided the first systematic stability inspection of the ice sheet’s current state. Their diagnosis: While they found no indication of irreversible, self-reinforcing retreat of the ice sheet in West Antarctica yet, global warming to date could already be enough to trigger the slow but certain loss of ice over the next hundreds to thousands of years. When the ocean becomes a source of carbon dioxide With a Starting Grant of 1.5 million euros, the European Research Council (ERC) will fund the work of climate researcher Dr Ivy Frenger from the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel over the next five years. Her project, OSTIA, investigates the role of the ocean in mitigating climate change and asks what happens in the long term to the emissions and heat that the ocean has stored since the beginning of industrialisation. Calculations by researchers show: Nearly two-thirds of all coral reefs are overfished An international team of researchers has used an extensive dataset of more than 2,000 coral reef sites to determine how fish populations and diversity of fish species are faring on the world's ocean reefs. One finding of the study, recently published in Nature Communications, is that nearly two-thirds of the sites studied are overfished below reference points aimed at maximizing catch. Underestimated Hazard and Resource at the Bottom of the Sea New dinoflagellate identification guide highlights the importance of marine single-celled organisms for science and society CO2 removal with the help of the ocean – New brochure provides background knowledge for urgent climate policy decisions In recent decades, the world’s ocean has absorbed around 25 percent of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, thus significantly slowing down climate change. This natural climate service of the ocean could be boosted systematically by enhancing the CO2 uptake of the sea through human action. Inventory in Spitsbergen’s fjords Gas emissions in focus during expedition "Fjordgas" under MARUM leadership Fossil coral reefs as a window into the past and future Start of an international expedition off the coast of Hawai’i Aligning marine conservation with sustainable use Successful start for the Mid-Term Conference of the DAM research mission sustainMare Previous 1 … 17 18 19 … 38 Next Share this page Newsletter Always up to date with the DAM newsletter. (German only) Subscribe Our Sponsors The federal government and the governments of the five northern German states support the current development and sponsor the DAM.