News All press releases and news from the DAM Topics All Topics Biodiversity Climate Change Management Pollution Research Structure Usage DAM news only Enzyme skyscrapers help microbes grow Scientists determine structure of an important nitrite-oxidizing enzyme in the global biological nitrogen cycle Researching climate change in Greenland Hereon scientists study marine ecosystem tipping points on international research expedition Symbionts without borders: Bacterial partners travel the world Symbiotic bacteria living in the gills of certain clams are true cosmopolitans. Heavy rain and heat – new details on climate change Possible climate changes on county level – a new climate service from GERICS What makes mangroves efficient carbon stores? The ability of mangroves to store large amounts of CO2 and other climate gases as organic matter in their biomass and sediments has sparked increasing interest in this ecosystem. Predicting the future of cod Hereon scientists develop new fisheries management planning tool - fewer stocks expected Climate Change makes Arctic Ozone Loss Worse Results of the MOSAiC expedition show: the expected recovery of the ozone layer may fail to happen anytime soon, if global warming is not slowed down Ocean eddy hunter as successor of Whale researcher Ocean eddy hunter as successor of Whale researcher Adventure and Marine Research Arved Fuchs and GEOMAR cooperate on the "OceanChange2021" expedition EU Provides 15 Million Euros of Funding for Arctic Project 35 partners, led by the AWI, are developing a comprehensive environmental observing system for the Arctic as part of the Arctic PASSION project Heat from Below How the Ocean is Wearing Down the Arctic Sea Ice Climate Protection: Deep Decarbonization by 2050 Currently Not Plausible Today, the Hamburg-based Cluster of Excellence “Climate, Climatic Change, and Society” (CLICCS) is publishing a new, essential study on climate futures. Combating Marine Litter Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon categorizes innovative solutions for fighting pollution in the oceans Hereon is part of the UN Decade Two of the selected projects, which are now UN Decade Actions, also involve Hereon coastal researchers Are wind farms slowing each other down? If offshore wind turbines are too numerous, they will produce less power. This should be considered when planning the wind farms Previous 1 … 32 33 34 … 38 Next Share this page Newsletter Always up to date with the DAM newsletter. (German only) Subscribe Our Sponsors The federal government and the governments of the five northern German states support the current development and sponsor the DAM.