News All press releases and news from the DAM Topics All Topics Biodiversity Climate Change Management Pollution Research Structure Usage DAM news only Rapid surge in global warming mainly due to reduced planetary albedo Rising sea levels, melting glaciers, heatwaves at sea – 2023 set a number of alarming new records. Not too warm and not too cold – Finding the Goldilocks Zone of the Great Barrier Reef The environmental conditions that allowed the Great Barrier Reef to grow to its current size have been a scientific puzzle. Data Collection for Tsunami Early Warning Systems An international team of researchers has set off today aboard the research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN to explore the Kolumbo volcanic chain, NE of Santorini in the South Aegean Sea. Research and cooperation for systematic munitions clearance in the North and Baltic Seas Dialogue event unites science, politics, conservation, and industry to address munitions in the sea The Ocean Floor: A Deep Dive Researchers from Bremen and Oldenburg are working together on important issues for the future. They jointly applied for the Excellence Strategy Student training on Polarstern’s transit to the Antarctic This weekend, the research vessel Polarstern is scheduled to depart from her homeport in Bremerhaven. Data collector on the seafloor New measuring node off Boknis Eck to be installed today Neither Desolate nor Empty: Deep-sea Floor Teems with Life New overview study shows diversity of habitats and organisms in the Arctic deep sea Hereon names a very special ship The new Hereon research vessel, CORIOLIS, was officially named on November 18, 2024, at the Hitzler Shipyard in Lauenburg European Initiative to Clear Old Munitions from the Seas Project Launch of MMinE-SwEEPER at GEOMAR Of Tiny Organisms and their Giant Impact on the Ocean Susanne Neuer Receives Prof. Dr Petersen Foundation Excellence Professorship Turning point in global fossil CO2 emissions has not yet been reached As the Global Carbon Project shows, fossil CO2 emissions have continued to rise in 2024. World Climate Conference COP29 in Baku: Focus on coastal ecosystems for climate and biodiversity protection Side event at the German Pavilion with participation of the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) Key Recommendations for Improving Ocean Observation European Ocean Research Community Calls for Enhanced Monitoring and Coordination How much climate change is in the weather? New AWI simulations make it possible to compare actual extreme weather events in various climate scenarios, and to gauge the role of global warming in connection with these extremes in the process Previous 1 … 4 5 6 … 40 Next Share this page Newsletter Always up to date with the DAM newsletter. (German only) Subscribe Our Sponsors The federal government and the governments of the five northern German states support the current development and sponsor the DAM.