Phase II for DAM research mission sustainMare
The mission on the “Protection and sustainable use of marine areas” is the second DAM research mission to be extended.
The DAM research mission “Protection and Sustainable Use of Marine Areas”, or sustainMare for short, entered Phase II on December 1. Since December 2021, around 250 scientists in seven research networks have been working on options, concepts and strategies for the sustainable use of marine resources and ecosystem services in the Baltic and North Seas. The aim is to develop and provide actionable knowledge as a basis for well-founded political and societal decisions. This work can now be continued for another three years: The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the science ministries of the northern German states are funding the continuation of the DAM research mission until the end of 2027 with 19 million euros.
SustainMare’s research focuses on the ecological, economic and social impacts of the use of and pressure on various marine regions, particularly in the face of climate change. In particular, the focus is on the question of how different interests in use – such as fishing, wind power generation or tourism – can be reconciled with the effective protection of the oceans and biodiversity. In the research mission, various scientific disciplines and experts from the field work closely together to provide society and decision-makers in politics, business and administration with scientifically sound advice and socially reflective options for utilization and protection concepts.
In the first phase of sustainMare, these collaborations were established and initial results were brought together with knowledge from research institutions, universities and departmental research from federal and state authorities. The mission has presented its research topics and initial results to politicians via parliamentary events. In Phase II, the focus will be on the further development of assessment procedures and the joint development of innovative solutions for national implementation in order to ensure a healthy ecosystem as well as blue growth and green economy in German waters.
(Marine) research as a basis for informed decisions
With sustainMare, the second DAM research mission is being extended this year: the second phase of the DAM research mission “Marine Carbon Sinks in Decarbonisation Pathways”, or CDRmare for short, began in August 2024. CDRmare investigates whether and to what extent the ocean can play a significant role in the removal and storage of CO2 from the atmosphere.
The DAM’s transdisciplinary research missions focus on current and relevant societal challenges in marine research. Research with clear objectives is intended to enable science-based decisions on the protection and sustainable use of coasts, seas and oceans. The missions are special in that they not only link university and non-university research across different disciplines, but also involve stakeholders from politics, business and civil society who deal with the mission topics from their perspective and develop knowledge for action together with the researchers.
“We are very pleased about the trust and appreciation we have received from politicians with the extension of the DAM research missions! This is an important sign for us that our work meets the needs of politics and society,” explains DAM CEO Joachim Harms. “Our special thanks also go to the participating scientists and partner organizations who contribute their expertise, ideas and time to the DAM research missions. Without their commitment, the missions would not be possible.”
Contact for queries
SustainMare – Mission spokespersons:
- Corinna Schrum, Helmholtz Center Hereon, Head of the Coastal Futures mission project,
e-mail: corinna.schrum@hereon.de - Sabine Horn, Alfred Wegener Institute / Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research, Head of the MGF North Sea mission project, e-mail: sabine.horn@awi.de
- Jens Greinert, GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel, Head of the CONMAR mission project, e-mail: jgreinert@geomar.de
Header image: Satellite image of the North Sea and Baltic Sea | Photo: Hereon ESA/Meris, U. Kleeberg
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